So African Natural Oils has positioned themselves as a premier supplier of natural cold pressed oils. Their natural cold pressed oil are highly sort after, because of their 100% organic certification (since 2017) and excellent oil quality.
So African Natural Oils specializes in the procurement and supply of a growing selection of organic ingredients for cosmeceutical, spa, massage and aromatherapy applications. Organic ingredients are carefully selected for their quality and functionality. Our range includes therapeutic essential oils and specialty vegetable oils high in essential fatty acids.
So African Natural Oils is dedicated towards becoming an increasingly strong presence in the growing awareness of the importance and benefits of organic ingredients in the food and cosmetics industries..
ECOCERT is a control and certification organization, whose activities are governed accordingly by the public authorities and legislation. It conducts inspections in over 80 countries.
ECOCERT South Africa - BIO-ZA-154 Organic inspection body, and ECOCERT SA monitor our entire value chain in organic agriculture from the raw material production to the production process, the transport, the processing, the storage and finally the marketing.
ECOCERT makes sure that all of our organic products are produced according to the EU Organic Council Regulation.
So African Natural Oils is an organic certified company since 2017 in accordance with the EU organic council regulation No. 834/2007 (in the past 2092/91/EEC) and are under permanent control by the officially recognized organic inspection body ECOCERT (BIO-ZA-154 Organic inspection Body).
Furthermore, So African Natural Oils is an organic certified company in accordance with the US National Organic Program & CFR Part 205, and are under permanent control by the officially recognized organic inspection body ECOCERT (BIO-ZA-154 Organic inspection Body).

All orders are shipped with a Certificate of Analysis that meets product specifications.
We can offer all preliminary documentation and Product Specifications Sheets for your R&D department, as well as samples for testing.
We continuously approve and evaluate our suppliers, and make regular audits;
We have great respect for the regulations in force on our production and packing sites, regarding sanitary safety, hygiene, controls and traceability;
We have the uptmost respect the environment by choosing raw materials which protect the biodiversity and by privileging the use of recyclable packages and the elimination of over-packaging;
We control the chemical, allergenic, physical, microbiological hazards according to the methods of the HACCP for the safety of our packaged oils;
We are currently in the process of BRC and ISO 22000 certification.

So African Natural Oils is currently members of the following International chambers of commerce:
SANEC - Southern African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce
With more than 20 years of experience The Southern African Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (SANEC) is our key intermediary between the Netherlands.
AHK - Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce.
the Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC is our ideal partner for support in establishing first business contacts with potential customers for our products and assist with the preparations of our trade fair participation.
PUM - Retired Dutch Experts - So African was identified by PUM as a highly promising venture and has subsequently sent an expert on a mission to South Africa to provide assistance in kick-starting the new production facility.
Wesgro is the official Destination Marketing, Investment and Trade Promotion Agency for the Western Cape, South Africa and is located in Cape Town